Activity Intelligence
Management (AIM)

Track the activities your team completes each day and analyze which activities actually lead to success

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Track all employee activities throughout the workday
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Use AI-powered analytics to reveal the hidden patterns and correlations
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Uncover, track, & monitor your company's true success metrics

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FrontRace gets you answers

How much time are employees actually working while remote?

Explanation of how it works

Why does one salesperson achieve so much more than another?

Explanation of how it works

How much time is spent in internal meetings? 

Explanation of how it works

Why does one customer service representative excel at retaining more customers?

Explanation of how it works

How many new prospects are contacted each day? And how (call, email, text, online, etc)?

Explanation of how it works

What are the top 3 metrics that correlate most to increased Sales? Retention? 

Explanation of how it works

What is the “ramp time” for the best new employees?

Explanation of how it works

What hidden “patterns of success” does AI uncover from daily activities? 

Explanation of how it works

Measuring micro-interactions shows how your teams work.

The key to success lies in the countless micro-interactions employees have with customers—every call, voicemail, email, text, and meeting. Capturing and analyzing these interactions is crucial, yet they are often overlooked by traditional CRM and operational systems. The ability to capture and analyze these micro-interactions ultimately determines the productivity of your team and the success of your business.


The key to success lies in the countless micro-interactions employees have with customers—every call, voicemail, email, text, and meeting. Capturing and analyzing these interactions is crucial, yet they are often overlooked by traditional CRM and operational systems. The ability to capture and analyze these micro-interactions ultimately determines the productivity of your team and the success of your business.

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See who is the most productive and effective
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Who is most efficient
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Learn success patterns
Activity Intelligence Management (AIM)

FrontRace's AIM solution represents a paradigm shift in sales intelligence. By adopting a bottom-up approach, AIM captures every micro-interaction, offering a granular view of sales and customer engagement processes. This detailed analysis uncovers hidden success patterns, transforming how businesses understand and leverage their day-to-day operations.How AIM Works: 3-Step Process

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Capture Every Micro-Interaction
AIM meticulously tracks all forms of communication, including emails, calls, texts, web meetings, social media messages, and more, ensuring no interaction is overlooked.
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Analyze for Patterns
The system analyzes these interactions to identify patterns, such as response times, engagement frequency, and the sequence of interactions leading to successful outcomes.
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Derive Actionable Insights
AIM reveals which combinations of interactions most often lead to sales success, enabling businesses to replicate effective strategies.
The Power of AI2

FrontRace's unique value proposition lies in combining comprehensive micro-interaction data with advanced AI analytic tools – setting a new standard for sales and operational analytics. We call this The Power of AI² (Activity Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence). Businesses can analyze data by individual, role, team and company-wide. The system not only analyzes past and present interactions, but also provides predictive analytics to drive future and repeatable success.

Find out who is working smarter, harder, or not at all.

In a world of distributed teams where some employees are onsite, hybrid, and remote, it's not always easy to know who is working smarter, harder, or not at all. With FrontRace, you get instant visibility into who is the most and least productive, according to results, at both the team and individual levels.

Working Smarter

Identify the teams and individuals who work a healthy number of hours but produce the most results, and learn what makes them so successful.

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Working Harder

Find the teams and individuals who put in the most hours but don't seem to get the best results. Use insights to learn how to improve their performance.

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Not Working At All

We don't like to admit it, but sometimes people just aren't working at all. Are they struggling? Is the role a bad fit for them? We can help you find out.

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Is someone dragging you down?

We’ve all experienced it – someone who doesn’t put in the same time and effort as others on their team. You compensate them the same as a solid performer, but they don't produce nearly as much. It’s not a good fit. And if you can identify this person, you can redistribute their work to people who want it and save yourself the budget on headcount. It’s not a fun situation to be in, but neither is ignoring it. FrontRace’s reports will uncover this behavior and give you the insight you need to make the right decisions.

Onsite, hybrid, or remote.
Which is best?

Using FrontRace, you can compare the performance between onsite, hybrid, and remote employees. Who seems to be more productive? Who is producing the best results? Some people work better in the office, some people work better remotely, some people work better on a team, and some people work better individually. With FrontRace, you can create custom reports to track the difference in performance based on these factors.

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See which employees at which locations have the highest and lowest productivity

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See trends over time to determine if location plays a role in productivity

What customers have to say about FrontRace.

Our customers love us, and here's why:

Review Quotes

We quickly found a handful of employees that weren't putting in the the same time and effort as others. Some of those individuals started improving, while others weren't a great fit. FrontRace has already paid for itself.

Michel Shantner


Review Quotes

We keep the leaderboards up at all times for our team to see. It keeps the sales team competitive while having fun. No one sees it as discouraging, they simply want to perform their best. When someone sees they're falling behind compared to their peers, they speak up and ask for help.

Selena Miller


Review Quotes

All our managers use FrontRace. It gives them the quick insights they need to understand who needs to be motivated and who is performing the best. When we identify someone on the team performing exceptionally, we let them speak to their success and share their strategies with the rest of the team.

Keith Anderson


FrontRace uses your existing apps. It's plug and play.

Connect with dozens of apps (and more to come) or use our API.

Google's G Suite

Connect your organization's emails, meetings, calendars, and more.

Microsoft 365

Connect your organization's emails, meetings, calendars, and more.

Zoom Meetings

Connect your organization's Zoom Meetings and Zoom Calls.


Connect to Salesforce to pull in tasks, calls, and other micro-interactions.